Sunday 11 November 2018

Some passion project Drama The paint bomb

was so frustrated I felt like I would explode just like the bomb did…

Me and Taryn had been working on our passion project for the past 5 weeks.
We have been making recyclable toys and wooden puzzle pieces.

We headed off and began to add some colour to our wooden puzzle pieces.
Everything was going smoothly,
he bright beams of the warm sun shone on us as we worked.

I know it sounds really boring at the moment so let's skip forwards to half an hour later.


Ok, let's go back 10 minutes.

I told Taryn to paint one of the puzzle pieces green, and she nodded in agreement.
I turned around for a second to get my own paint
but when I turned back around Taryn was standing there, trying to get the lid off.
I grabbed it off her and opened the lid then gave it back to her.

Sadly for me, I gave it to her upside down, but before I could tell her that,
she had poured half of the bottle all over the bench. I
would say that maybe 25% of it made it into the carton
but the rest was all over the bench!

“TARYN!” I screamed. I was so frustrated that I felt like I would explode,
just like the bomb did. Slimy green stuff dripped down onto the floor.
I must’ve got some in my mouth since i got a taste of ink and glue.
It felt like slime swishing around in my mouth.

The rest of our afternoon was spent cleaning the bench,
but Taryn was gone most of the time trying to get a speck of paint off her top.
That just why you always focus when you’re painting.

My Term 3 passion project reflection

Use this to guide your reflection when you have finished your Passion Project.
Record your ideas and then turn this into something you can present back to the Hub.
We would like to encourage you to then share your first and final presentation on your blog.
Perhaps also with something that includes images of  what you made or did.

Include photos if you have some. Please tell us what speaking skills you are working on.
What was your idea? Intro
To make recyclable toys for kids and wooden puzzle pieces.
What did you plan to learn? How to cut wood

How did you learn?
By asking for help some tips from Ryan and Mr.Anderson. because we had not dealt with wood before.

What challenges did you have to overcome? How did you overcome these?
We had to overcome the problem that when we cut the wood we chipped some of it off. To solve the problem we bought some filler and got some advice from my mum to apply it.
Describe what success was going to look like. Did you actually achieve this. Talk about this. Success to us was a good bunch of toys to send of to the hospice. I feel that we have achieved this goal because some kids in our class enjoyed playing with our toys.

Was this a valuable passion project for you? Why or why not?
Yes because  i now know a little more about filler, cutting wood and dyes and paint which will be handy skills in the future

My Term 3 passion project pitch